Fives / Sixes |
Thursday 4:00pm - 5:00pm |
Fours |
Thursday 2:10 - 3:10pm |
Classes begin end of September or early October and run for 24 weeks to late April, early May.
Tuition is $590 for Toddlers up to 6/7s.
All classes have live singing, piano, and guitar!
FAIRFIELD / SOUTHPORT (203-854-9797)
Trinity Episcopal Church, Parish Hall
651 Pequot Avenue
Southport, CT
Infant / Toddlers |
Thursday 9:30am - 10:15 |
Take flight, find delight |
Twos |
Thursday 10:45am - 11:30 |
Fun, Fun Fundamentals |
Six to Ten years Broadway Bound Wizard of Oz |
Thursday 5:15pm - 6:15pm |
Threes |
Thursday 12:30am - 1:15pm |
Dramatic musical play |