​​​​​Great Roles for Everyone!

Maria, Baron Von Trapp, Liesl and the rest of the children, Rolf, Max Detweiler, Elsa Schraeder, Mother Abbess,

many other nuns including Sister Margaretta,

Sister Sophia and many more roles. . . 

Register at this link!

For Children: ​Ages 6½ - 14

Dates: ​June 23 ~ July 17 

Monday Through Thursday (Occasional Fridays)

Finale Performance:  July 17, cast party July 18

​Camp Time: 10:00-2:00 p.m. 

Where: Rabbit Hill Stage, 49 Weston Rd. Westport, CT
United Methodist Church (Conveniently located near exit 42, Merritt Pkwy) FEE: $925.00

($50 credit for enrollment & payment by March 15, 2024)

The Sound of Music!

With 4 children in Summer Music Theater Camp, Ben Hunt said,

"Every year is so impressive and so wonderful! The show is

so creative. It is the highlight of my summer!"

​​SUMMER MUSIC THEATER  presents ...